Missouri meets New Mexico! Several of us fiber fanatics made the flight to New Mexico for a week of classes (and shopping).
Arrived in Albuquerque - 159 miles of driving through some beautiful mountain country...this is NOT Missouri anymore!
Triad Dyeing Class
Triad Dyeing class taught by Peggy Doney from 100th Sheep. This was a fantastic, very full day. We started with 3 colors of dye...8 hours later we had a notebook full of 196 little snips of yarn all in different colors! If you ever get a chance to take a class from Peggy, do. We are already making plans!
Then after class we were encouraged to visit the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. Okay, I don't like heights! But I went...
The highlight to me was catching sight of a trio of Big Horn sheep at the canyon edge!
Free day to go exploring and shopping!
Southwest Weaving
Wonderful displays of yarn sculptures, working weaving artists and of course lots of yarn to gawk at!
Then there was La Lana Wool... Plant dyed natural fibers of all kinds. Wonderful salespeople and too much yarn to choose from. Check out the skeleton in the corner!!
I have already learned so much...and we have more classes to come....