Friday, August 17, 2012

It's a Wash!

I have had quite a revelation lately, one that all properly instructed handspinners should have down pat.

Always wash your yarn before evaluating or using it! Duh, right?

Not being critical of anyone who's had a hand in my spinning journey, but I'd never seen the difference until lately.

These 3 skeins were all spun as close as possible to the same, at around the same time. Can you tell which have been washed? (Please note, that none of them have been weighted while drying.)

Shetland skeins
These are from a beautiful Shetland roving from my friend Mary Limpus. I am hoping to weave them into a shawl on my tri-loom! It is so tempting to dye them, but I think the natural variegation of the fleece itself will be design enough..

So it's off to the wash room for this lone skein!


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